Alpha & Centauro

giorgio sideboard and art object andromeda
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus

Alpha Centauro

Alfa Centauro es el sistema estelar más cercano a la Tierra. Considerada desde la antigüedad como una sola estrella. De hecho, es una estrella binaria, es decir, dos estrellas orbitando
alrededor de un centro común.
Nuestro Alfa Centauro particular intenta simular el efecto de la escisión estelar con destellos superpuestos, pero con un solo centro aparente, simbolizado por el círculo.

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giorgio sideboard and art object andromeda
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus
Alpha & Centauro decoration object collection by paco camus by paco camus


Alfa centauro decoration object is the closest star system to earth. Considered since ancient times as a single star. In fact, it is a binary star, that is two stars orbiting
around a common center.

Our particular alfa centauro tries to simulate the effect of stellar splitting with a flashes overlapping, but with an only one apparent center, symbolized by the circle.

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