
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus


Primero, la madera se moldeo y retorció. Y luego la racionalidad la convirtió en una silla. Salma es sensualidad tallada en madera. Una ráfaga de viento esculpió sus curvas.

Este diseño juega con la estructura para resaltar el movimiento y redefinir la simbiosis entre sensualidad y sencillez. Salma provoca e invita a utilizar el sentido del tacto para sentir, con los ojos cerrados, que la belleza no solo se ve, sino también se toca.

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salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus
salma chair by Paco Camus


First, the wood danced and twisted. And then rationality sapped its momentum and made it a chair. Salma chair is sensuality carved in wood. A gust of wind sculpted her curves.

This design plays with the structure to highlight movement and redefine the symbiosis between sensuality and simplicity. Salma provokes and invites us to use the sense of touch to feel, with closed eyes, that beauty is not only seen, but also touched.

The part where your elbow rests is wide and flat for comfort.

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