Yris Round

yris round dinning table
yris round side table
yris round dining table
yris round dining table
yris round dining table
yris round dining table
yris round side table

Yris Round

Mesa de madera y vidrio grueso

Armonía, tensión amordazada y ingravidez inquietante.

Las mesas Yris utilizan estructuras cerradas en la parte inferior. Esto permite dos cosas: alta rigidez y una extrema delgadez en sus extremidades.

La estructura abraza los cristales sin estrangularlos. Esta característica los hace únicos.

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yris round dinning table
yris round side table
yris round dining table
yris round dining table
yris round dining table
yris round side table


Wood and thick glass table

acid harmony, gagged tension, disturbing weightlessness.

The yris round dining table use closed structures in the lower part. This allows two things: high rigidity and extreme thinness in their limbs.

The structure embraces the crystals without strangling them. This feature makes them unique.

This table has a mixed surface, so that the edge changes from wood to glass around its whole perimeter

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